PyCon India 2012

Hi to all !

I recently attended Pycon 2012 and no doubt it was an awesome experience to be there. I had also attended the first ever Pycon in 2009 but this time I could make more out of it 🙂 I joined Red Hat last month and thanks for sponsoring and the encouragement to participate.

This time it was for 3 days, first day was tutorial and last two days were conference. I am new to python world, so I thought of attending tutorial too.

Day 1

Since It was day1, I reached the venue on time 😛 As usual first was registration and from there I got the schedule of tutorials and talks. For me all topics were new, so I thought of attending basic tutorials .

First half I have gone for  Django – Introduction and Demo conducted by Sivasubramaniam Arunachalam. It was not according to my expectation since he was explaining most of the things by taking account of a Windows user and I have rarely used Windows. Wifi at the venue was also not working that time, so I couldn’t explore much. Finally, I came out early from that tutorial.

I spent some time sitting at the Red Hat stall and interacted with various people. I even met Nick Coghlan!

Second half, I attended Solving Puzzles with Python conducted by Anand Chitipothu where I learnt solving Tower of hanoi and 8 queen problems in Python. I also attended Hands on beginning Python conducted by Kushal Das where I learnt strings, functions, class, modules, etc in Python.

Day 2

Today, main conference started. Reached little late at venue so missed the keynote by David Mertz.

I attended talk by Satyajit Ranjeev on using vim while coding in Python. This talk was really good, where he discussed about features of vim, Modal editing, reasons why one should use vim (e.g customizable, extensible, availability etc), Syntastic, Rope, Tagbar, IPython, customizing vim and many more.

Later, I attended python, the weird bits by Saager Mhatre. This talk was good where he enumerated about namespaces, built-in functions, exception handling, decorators, metaprogramming, etc with example code.

After having lunch, I attended talk on Building better APIs by Hemant Kumar. Here, he discussed how to build better APIs, about REST, Resource and how to identify resources in a given example, Hypermedia, etc

Later, I visited Red Hat Bangalore office together with other colleagues. We had maggi and coke, and played few games too 😀

Day 3

First talk I attended was on Gevent, here speaker discussed about Python twisted, Monkey patching, Greenlets, Gevent APIs,
Greenlet management, networking, synchronization, Greenlet pools, advantages, issues, etc.

After finishing this talk, I collected Pycon T-shirt which is really cool!

Further, I attended talk on  Django templates for web designers by Shreyank Gupta. Here, he talked about templates and context, Lookups, various tags like if, URL, for loop, cycle etc. He also discussed about built-in filters like string, Text (linebreaks, linenumbers, slugify, truncatechars, truncatewords, wordwrap) , HTML (removetags,safe striptags,escape), Array, slice etc, static files, custom tags and filters.

Last talk which I attended was given by Nick Coghlan on Path Dependent Development. It was a general topic which deals with different way of thinking about many of the complex trade-offs that are involved in creating and shipping useful software and the way those trade-offs influence the evolution of a piece of software over time.

Other than talk, I met many new people. Some of my old friends and some of my KDE friends to whom I talked only on IRC. In one word, It was awesome. Looking forward to attend next year’s Pycon India, till then lets get my hands dirty with some Python awesomeness!
